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We have whole beef and pork available throughout the year for custom processing. More information is listed below. Contact us for availability and butcher dates. Typically all processing is done at Santa Fe Trail Meats in Overbrook, but other processing arrangements may be able to be made with advance notice.
Are you wanting to fill your freezer?
Pork Processing
Pork is available for processing throughout the year. We sell pork by the whole pork for $375 and half and $190 for a half plus processing. A whole pork usually yields 180 pounds of meat, 90 pounds for a half. Our favorite cuts are the 1" chops, Boston Butt roasts, ribs, bacon, hams (available in whole or half hams or deli sliced) and then we have the rest ground into ground pork or a variety of other sausage choices. Again, there are many other options available including a loin roast, different thicknesses of chops, picnic shoulder roasts, etc. You can even ask them to save the fat if you want to try making lard.
Click the Pork Processing Guide for more options and information.
Whole hogs are also available for hog roasts throughout the year.
Spring Pork Dates: March 13th, March 27th, April 10th. Reserve your date by ordering below.

Beef Processing
Beef is available for processing in available throughout the year. We sell beef by the whole, half and quarter. Current pricing for 2024 beef is $3.50 per pound based on the hanging weight of the animal, which is approximately 200 lbs. per quarter. Processing costs are extra. All costs are subject to change depending on market costs. Our favorite cuts are the 1" steaks (ribeye, fillets, strips and sirloins), Arm and Chuck roasts, briskets, short-ribs and then we have the rest ground beef, usually in one pound bags or patties (additional fee). Again, there are other cuts available including a few other roasts, different thicknesses of steaks, stew meat and soup bones, etc.
2024 Processing Dates: March 6th, July 1st and July 10th. Contact us HERE to join the waiting list.
Click here Beef Processing Guide for more information.
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